Friday, March 8, 2013

Family Fridays: how about that "living" room?

As you may have figured out, I am not a nutritionist - maybe someday, it's on my "list." But until then, I am more than happy to let the two pro's in my life, Katie and Megan, lead me through the confusing, contradicting, wonderful, liberating, and sometimes anxiety-causing world of nutrition. My blog topics will be geared towards what I know. Once a week, I will blog about my area of expertise, though I am far from an expert. I will be writing about motherhood, managing a family, and trying as hard as I can to keep us healthy and happy.

Eventually, I will introduce you to my bosses, who are two and three and loads of fun, and to my partner, the love of my life, who is also loads of fun, but incredibly busy on his journey to becoming a physician. Today, however, I am going to introduce you to my living room/family room, which unfortunately, at the moment are not really promoting living or family. 

True story: I just recently heard people using the word "woof" again, which totally brought me back to my Home Alone days {when Kevin says that about Buzz's girlfriend}. Anyhow, I say "woof" all the time when I look at our current living room/family room setup. We need a makeover in a major, MAJOR way. Here's the story. Over Christmas 2011 we rearranged our living area {by we I mean my husband}. It was our first Christmas where we currently live and we wanted to get a big old tree since we have the ceiling height for it. Long story short, all of my husband's dreams came true when when he had creative freedom over our new setup. In the end, basically all of our seating was looking at the beautiful flashing lights of ESPN, rather than the 12 foot tree he wanted (see picture - um, notice how there is one small love-seat looking at our gigantic tree).  

Well the layout stuck {for waaaaaaaaay too long}, but after a grueling uphill battle, he is waving the white flag. I am calling "spring cleaning" a tad early, and our goal this month is to rearrange our large room to facilitate living and family time a.k.a. 95% of our seating will NOT be facing the television. I want to create more designated areas for the girls - like a reading corner, and a little "house" area for their kitchen and baby dolls. I am beyond excited for this, so if anyone has great tips, send them my way. Until then I'm gonna be on Pinterest like white on rice.

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