"Well, I'll obviously have a good job in a field I love, because obviously I wouldn't settle for anything else. I'll also obviously be married by 32 because duh, who isn't by then. And obviously I will have accomplished a ton of my hopes and goals, like going on an African safari and driving my car from San Francisco to the very tip of South America. Oh and OBVIOUSLY I will have a dog. Obviously."
Megan: age 25. Yes, I am dressed up as a unicorn. A beer drinking unicorn. At 25. |
We are very smart when we are younger. The smartest people around. At least, that's the impression we have, right? My goodness did I think I knew it all. It really is amazing how with each passing year I become acutely more and more aware of how very little I know. The truth is I like getting older. I look back and I see my teen years being wretched in a self loathing sort of way. Twenties taking an interesting turn into a more self absorbed sort of way. Here's what my birthday wish is for my thirties: to be more aware. Awareness of the world around me. Of the universe that is SO MUCH BIGGER than my concerns or my daily grind.
Megan: age 31. I've come a long way. Dog = not mine. But one day. One day. |
As it's my birthday I'd like to take a minute to give thanks for my family. I'm very lucky to have them. I should have been put up for adoption during my most charming self at age 11. My brother and I have the same birthday, and today he turns 35 (sucker). He is the smartest guy I know, and this is the only, ONLY time I will admit that (hope you're reading this, it's a one shot deal). He helps me with everything from work to boys to hanging heavy items to bbq'ing (it scares me). But most of all he gives me perspective. When I whine about how busy I am or how scary it is working for myself - he helps me out. Additionally, he is a mind reader (gemini powers) and he reads my mind. I need to be more aware? Then he shares this video. Update: Sadly the video was removed - because it was so cool? I don't know. If you want to get enlightened, listen to the audio here.
It's an excerpt of a commencement speech by David Foster Wallace from 2005. It's my birthday and my birthday wish is that you take a few minutes and watch it.
"Be aware enough to give yourself a choice. You can choose to look differently" |
I'd like to watch this every birthday because it reminds me that there is nothing more important than all of us choosing to be aware. I don't want to be a person that operates on a default setting or always focuses on the bottom line. I don't want to ignore the world around me. I want to grow and be aware and above all have compassion. I want others to have compassion for me. I want this world to be a really nice place should I ever have kids. The best piece of advice I've ever been given is: "It's so much easier to choose to be happy." Sounds simple and idealistic, but I think I like simple and idealistic. It also seems like it will only help further complete that circle to becoming a whole person. And finally, because it must be said, being a part of Prescribe Nutrition is pretty much a dream come true. A hidden ambition that has surged from within, and I make sure every day I am aware of just how lucky I am to be a part of it.
So 32, I'm happy to meet you. And to my brother Ryan, you old, old man, happy birthday.
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