Sunday, July 28, 2013

Get Glowing

Last week we shared our love for baking soda and today we are going to be using another PN kitchen staple to achieve a healthy glow. Coconut oil. We cook with it, bake with it, add it to our morning coffee  and now we are going to bring it into the bathroom with us. 

Here our some of our favorite beauty routines that involve coconut oil:

Oil pulling
Yup, this is old news on our blog. You know we love it. Oil pulling with coconut oil (and other types as well) has many benefits, but since our focus is glowing, we want to remind you that it's great for whitening teeth. 

Conditioning your hair:
Coconut oil does wonders for your hair as a deep conditioner and eggs - yes, eggs! - can be a wonderful add ion to your beauty routine. If you're in doubt, check out the before and after. One word: SOLD.

Whipped lotion:
Talk about easy. We'll be honest - while we love making all natural beauty products, if it's too time consuming, it can take a backseat. This whipped lotion is simply whipping coconut oil until it turns  light and creamy. Add in some vitamin E or a drop or two of your favorite essential oil into a bowl with a cup of room temperature coconut oil and use an electric mixer until it reaches your desired consistency.

Super face mask:
Don't make this chocolate, super nutrient packed face mask when you're hungry - you will want to save every ounce for your face. Avocado, cocoa (or cocao!), coconut oil and milk, and plain yogurt will have your skin aglow. 

Where to start?! We are whipping up some some body butter right now...

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